Chicken - Deals & Prices
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Are you looking for a store with the most affordable prices? Look no further. We found the product you are looking for. Chicken available at the best price can be found in the 25 leaflets. See all the offers in the catalogues of your favourite South African stores and compare prices. With, shopping and saving is quick and easy. You can find Chicken at a discount in the following stores: Shoprite, Checkers, Food Lover's Market, Boxer and Clicks. For discounts, see the following flyers:
- Check Star Sweet Moments (18/03/2025 - 30/03/2025)
- Shoprite Specials (17/03/2025 - 23/03/2025)
- Food Lover's Market Specials (17/03/2025 - 23/03/2025)